About The Book

The Star Fairy

A little girl’s wish for wings is granted by the garden Fairies in the garden she cares for, but the Fairies’ magic is only so strong. During her adventures of flight, she meets the Star Fairy only to have to cut her adventure short. Will she get her wings back? Will she ever see the Star Fairy again? Join Thyme on her journey where you believe anything is possible.

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About The Book

Smoke the Dragon

This story is about a boy with the uncanny ability to find heart shaped rocks, even where there seems to be no rocks. One of the rocks he finds turns out to be a special rock with a very interesting creature inside. Calvin’s adventures begin with the nurturing of this creature. Follow along as Calvin takes care of and learns the secrets of Smoke.

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About The Book

Saving Mother Earth:

Smoke And The Star Fairy Need Your Help!

In the first two books, Thyme flies in the stars and discovers the Star Fairy and Calvin helps raise a Dragon named Smoke. In this book they all come together to help fight climate change. In their adventure, Thyme and the Star Fairy help eliminate space junk while Calvin and Smoke almost get burned up in a fire while saving a fight crew. They both then find an inventive way to help in the world wide water shortage. Join them on their adventures, and realize EVERYONE can make a difference in Climate Change. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?